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Best Beaches in Mahe Island, Seychelles

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Introduction to Mahe, Seychelles

Seychelles are World famous for their pristine white sand beaches washed by picture-perfect turquoise waters, surrounded by idyllic coconut trees. All of this is true under certain conditions but don’t expect every beach day to be perfect. It all depends on good timing and planning.

The best months to visit Seychelles are widely considered to be October and April. Tides will vary based on the moon and its phases, so it is always a good idea to pick the right time for a beach depending on a tide calendar. Shallower beaches are best visited during the high tide, though most of the beaches will look better on a low tide because it will uncover more sand and turn the waters into brighter colors. It all depends on the reason you want to visit a certain beach. For example, high tides could cover seaweeds on uncleaned beaches during the wind season, or snorkeling might be better on a high tide or vice versa depending on depths.

In short, it is very hard to make things right on your first time visit to Seychelles. That is why information on the internet varies so much because many people get different experiences based on the listed factors. If you are not sure where to go, it is always a good option to get a local guide to visit the best beaches in Mahe at that time of the year. I myself visited Seychelles in late September which had unusual rain patterns. It could be sunny one hour, and heavy rain another. Here are some general tips that could hopefully help you decide where to stay and which beaches to visit and when:

Each beach in Seychelles is a wonder of its own. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

1. Petit Anse

Despite its name, it isn’t a small beach at all. Situated in the heart of Hotel Four Seasons, Petit Anse looks rather like an animated perfect postcard picture from Seychelles rather than a real place. Being located in the middle of a jungle (tamed, but jungle) the beach seems to lack life compared to other places. All thanks to its tidiness, over-cleanliness, and probably spraying to kick out all the unwanted guests from this amazing corner of the paradise. Coconuts, fruits, and everything that is otherwise naturally growing in the area are taken away. Petit Anse is like a castrated doggy compared to a fully functional one. It looks real but it isn’t. For me personally, observing various lifeforms on the beach or underwater is the most fun thing to do.

Nevertheless, I imagine, Petit Anse and Four Seasons make a great destination for people who are afraid of those things (though no venomous creature lives on Seychelles land, so, rationally, there is nothing to be afraid of. Yes, even those big endemic spiders).

Petit Anse is located in the territory of Four Seasons Resort. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Key features

Jokes aside, many beaches in Seychelles are cleaned and prepared for tourists to a certain amount. The locals understand that nature, and especially beaches, are their selling card. Thanks to that, all beaches are public by law, and no structure, or even a sunbed, can be built on the sand, making each one of them a little paradise. For the same reason, people who are not guests of Four Seasons can still access Petit Anse. All you need to do is to show up by the main gate to the resort’s area, sign, and you are good to go via the main road to the beach.

Note that if you want to use any of the restaurants situated in the area, be sure to book in advance, otherwise, you’ll be not allowed to enter. Four Seasons is probably the most expensive resort in Mahe island.

If you manage to get so far, I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time on this picturesque beach. Easily, Petit Anse might be the most beautiful beach on the main island of Seychelles, though it left me with mixed feelings.

Four Seasons Resort must let you in by the local law to access Petit Anse by the main road. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

2. Anse Soleil

In contrast to Petit Anse, Anse Soleil is full of life, meaning this is my type of beach. It is the smallest beach on the list, nevertheless, it is amazing. Our beloved driver Christopher from Krioulo Tours and Services even told us that Anse Soleil is the best place for beach snorkeling in Mahe. From what I experienced, only Port Launay can compete with it, but I have to say that areas with colorful fish are much closer to the shore like everything else on this compact beach. The only downside of Anse Soleil is that if the weather conditions are not right, the sea might get very rough and almost unswimmable. However, if you want to get the best snorkeling experience in the area around Mahe, a quick boat trip to St. Anne Marine Park and Cerf Island is your best option.

Key Features

The upside is if the weather is nice, you’ll get to enjoy one of the most beautiful small beaches on Mahe Island. Anse Soleil is located right next to Petit Anse but it doesn’t require to trespass a resort. All you need to do is find a parking spot somewhere near the Four Seasons entrance and hike down to the beach. There is no parking down below, it is either Anse Soleil Beachcomber territory or a private one.

A group of Bigfin Reef Squids swimming between the boulders of Anse Soleil. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

The snorkeling is done on the left side of the beach between boulders. There aren’t many alive corals, and those who are, are covered by algae. You’ll find many parrotfishes feasting on what is left together with other colorful creatures. I even managed to see some mesmerizing Bigfin Reef Squids and a giant lobster, which I have no idea what it was. Keep in mind, if the sea is rough, Anse Soleil might not even be there. The waves can cover most of the beach like in some other smaller or narrower beaches.

Good hotels

Anse Soleil Beachcomber is the only hotel to stay for the beach and a very good one. It is a small complex but has a wide range of accommodation options.

The snorkeling spot in Anse Soleil is around the rocks in front of Beachcomber Hotel. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

3. Anse Intendance

In public opinion, Anse Intendance is probably the most popular and appreciated beach to visit in Mahe in terms of natural beauty, dramatic scenery, and turquoise waters. All of it is true, or at least was, because its popularity is destroying the reason why Anse Intendance became popular in the first place – pristine remoteness.

Anse Intendance is probably the most sought beach in Mahe. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Key features

The amount of visitors is manageable, while Anse Intendance is not the longest beach on the list, it is reasonably big making enough space for everyone. Still, during the high tide, the space is very limited, and mostly to both ends of the beach: one by public access near the parking lot and the other by the modern villas and Scandinavian houses.

I heard from locals that this authentic resort will be more expensive than Four Seasons. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Yes, that is correct, Intendance Beach is entangled by various real estate developments, destroying the purpose of this beach. Yes, it is very beautiful but Anse Intendance is virtually unswimmable, very dangerous, and far away from the rest of the island. In my mind, it is a very bad place for a hotel, this beach can kill unattended children in seconds. I was standing on the sand close to the sea and I could barely resist being dragged into the water by the bigger waves. The only moderately reasonable real estate project here is an all-inclusive hotel with out-of-the-earth prices to attract tasteless people – a no-brainer project, just because this beach is so popular. Guess what, it won’t be that popular anymore – once the hotel is there, it will lose its romance. All that will be left is a destroyed jungle with an out-of-place hotel with Scandinavian architecture bashed by giant waves and people who no longer know what to do with their money and life. Note that there is a sign to not disturb nesting turtles on the beach, what a joke.

I like all kinds of tourists but I don’t like those who come to buy-out our land. I want to leave something for my grandchildren, but some people see Seychelles as a good investment because their original revenue is running out of time.

– Denis the Fish, a local

This beach is not for swimming, I was skeptical, but, seriously, it is too dangerous. Nevertheless, Anse Intendance is very beautiful to look at and well worth your time. Be sure to visit it before it is still not entirely occupied by the hotel. They won’t be able to lock the access entirely because the beach itself is public but it won’t be the same anymore after the construction is completed. As much as I don’t like the term, places like these remind us how much it is important to be an eco-tourist to protect the remaining pieces of nature, wildlife, and the well-being of the locals. There are many accommodation options owned by the Seychellois that bring much more good to the community than giant resorts owned by foreigners.

Good hotels

Any except for this resort under construction.

4. Anse Takamaka

Often recommended and listed as one of the most beautiful beaches in Mahe, Anse Takamaka is surely worth this title. For my own taste, I find it somewhere in the middle of the list of recognized beaches in Mahe. I wouldn’t plan a trip just for Anse Takamaka but if you happen to be around, be sure to visit it. Its close proximity to Anse Intendance makes it a great duo destination for a day or less. There are a couple of restaurants located in the nearby Chez Batista which is squeezed between the rocks washed by the sea.

Anse Takamaka takes its name from a tree growing in the region. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Key Features

Anse Takamaka is very easy to access due to its location right next to a road connecting Baie Lazare and Quatre Bornes, Takamaka. Given good weather and sea conditions some snorkeling could be done among the rocks. Anse Takamaka, like the rest of the beaches in the southern part of Mahe, is calmer between October and March, when the winds turn from the northwest.

There is also a jungle hike leading to a natural pool located on the rocks to the left side of the beach. It starts just behind the restaurants of Chez Batista but is not for everyone. The track is tricky and narrow, people who are afraid of spiders shouldn’t enter the jungle at all. I found the hike too dangerous given the recent rains, but it is possible to walk a smaller distance to embrace the beauty of Anse Takamaka from a distance.

The jungle hike from Anse Takamaka to Ros Sodyer rock pool. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Best hotels

Takamaka Green Village and Chalets des Vacances might be your best option in close proximity. Chez Batista looks nice, but I think it is under the way of a required renovation.

Anse Takamaka from a jungle hike viewpoint. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

5. Port Launay

The beach is not particularly known for its beauty but rather as a great place for snorkeling. Some dare to say it is the best place to snorkel from beach in the whole island but today I hope it is far from the truth. Much of the coral reef is damaged or completely destroyed, though it is still somewhat healthy around the inner edges. Technically, Port Launay is a protected marine park, nevertheless you need to lower your expectations. It must have seen better days.

Key features

There is a coral reef on both sides of the bay. On the right side is the public beach. If you choose to snorkel here, try to enter the water where the corals edge the sandy part of the bay. It should be easily visible from the beach and is marked with buoys. Don’t worry if you won’t see corals and colorful fishes right away, just keep swimming until you will. The distances aren’t crazy. A similar situation is on the left, it just might be a bit harder to find the right way to enter the coral reef. Due to very low visibility and lack of fins, I was unable to do so, but you can use the maps provided by

Even if you are not a big fan of snorkeling, Port Launay is well worth your attention due to its natural beauty and the green mountains surrounding it. The Central area of the beach is great for swimming and is free of corals. It is especially a good option when the south waters are disturbed by the winds between March and September. If you are here just for the pictures and videos or simply to embrace the beauty of it, the left side by Constance Ephalia is the place to go. Overall, I think Port Launay has something for everyone, it is a great option for groups with different tastes.

Snorkeling is good on both ends of Port Launay. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

6. Baie Lazare

While it is seldom considered among the top beaches on the island, Baie Lazare compensates with its sheer size and large parts remain sandy even during the high tide. It might as well be Beau Vallon for locals just don’t get me wrong. While it might be not as picturesque as some other beaches on the list, Baie Lazare would attract thousands to any other place on Earth. Seychelles has exceptionally high standards but Baie Lazare has everything you might want: turquoise waters, white sandy beach with palm trees hanging over them, granite rocks, and even a good snorkeling spot by the far north end of the bay, right after Hotel Kempinski by the public parking. Hey, if such a world-class hotel chain chooses it’s location in Seychelles on this spot, Baie Lazare is definitely worth attention.

The whole bay is separated by boulders into two main beach areas. On the southern end lies Anse Goulette, a long beach by the road that seems to be very popular among locals and rays. The other half of the bay, simply known as Baie Lazare could be only accessed by a huge walk-around because Hotel Kempinski privatized and restricted access to almost all area around the beach. There is also a small beach further on – Anse Gouvernment. It could be accessed by hike from the same parking spot as Baie Lazare on the far point of the beach.

Anse Goulette

The beach is very easy to access, thanks to the public road running by it. There is a parking lot by both ends of Anse Goulette. Under the protection of layers of rocks, the southern side of the beach is often suited for swimming even when the sea is rough.

Roche Copra granite boulders separate Anse Goulette from Anse Gouvernment and Baie Lazare Beach. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Baie Lazare Beach

Like any other beach in Seychelles, Baie Lazare is a public beach, just Hotel Kempinski is restricting access to the beach from Anse Goulette’s side. It is possible to trespass the boulders separating the two beaches on low tide, or with good hiking shoes through the rocks, but it is not that easy. The official entrance to Anse Governance goes all the way around the area and can be accessed from the same starting point as Petit Anse and Anse Soleil by the main gate to Four Seasons Hotel.

Swimming in the central portions of Baie Lazare is not recommended due to strong currents.

The southern end of Anse Goulette by Hotel Lazare Picault is good for getting into the sea all year round. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Good hotels

If you like that kind of vacation and want easy access to Baie Lazare and Anse Gouvernment, Hotel Kempinski is your choice. Otherwise, I highly recommend a small Hotel Lazare Picault, which is situated on the opposite side of Baie Lazare. It has absolutely mesmerizing views.

A panorama view from Hotel Lazare Picault. Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

Tours to Islands of Seychelles

Best of Mahe Private Tour

Explore the main attractions of Mahe. Choose between beach relaxation or mountain views.

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From Praslin: La Digue Boat Trip with Bike Rental

Explore La Digue on a bike. Visit L'Union Estate and other attractions.

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Praslin Valle De Mai, Museum & Anse Lazio Trip

Explore Valle de Mai National Park, visit the Praslin Museum, and relax on Anse Lazio beach.

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Map of Mahe, Seychelles

Personal Experience

I wrote the list based on my own research and experience. It is a fact, that there are many more great beaches found across the island as Mahe is far from being shy of its beautiful coast. In contrast to what one might think intuitively, being the largest and main island in Seychelles, doesn’t make Mahe unattractive. Quite the contrary. It is simply amazing.

I’m sure that exploring the beautiful beaches in Mahe will be as fun for you as it was for me and my wife. It is true that with time you’ll get used to the high standards and perfect white coral sand and granite boulders of various shapes will be taken for granted. Nevertheless, each beach is unique, and visiting it at different times, morning or evening, hide tide or low tide will produce a totally different experience. Land and underwater lifeforms alone could make each trip unique, even if you decide to visit the same beach again. Therefore, don’t worry about the size of the island, I guarantee you won’t be bored. Mahe alone could be a great 1-2weeks vacation destination. Highly recommended.

All content and photos by Alis Monte, unless stated differently. If you want to collaborate, contact me on Photo by Alis Monte [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Connecting the Dots

How Can I Help to Protect Pristine Beaches of Seychelles?

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